We have moved

In my short stay on earth, I’ve discovered one thing. There’s a cliche for almost every situation. Ranging from ‘Time waits for no man’, to ‘Time will tell’, to ‘All’s well that ends well’, cliches have existed for as long as I can remember. That’s not really all that long, now that I think about it. Let me rephrase, as long as my ancestors have been on this earth.

They are short, mostly very apt, and they convey deep knowledge and thought in few words. That’s why I’m relying on a cliche for this one I’m writing. A cliche that makes all other cliches feel like cliches.

‘Change is the only constant thing’.

One unique thing about biological life-forms is evolution. Some scientists posit that we evolved from single-cell life forms to the awesome complex personalities we are today. We grow, we change, and we continually adapt to circumstances, which is why humans are the dominant life forms, and why we have lasted as long as we have. I bet if we had been around when the dinosaurs died out, we would still have found a way to survive. It’s just who we are. We change.

And now, it is time for another change as well. I am moving.

Saiddigge’s Musings has morphed into a new website. That’s http://opinionfortress.com
Just add opinionfortress.com to your feed reader, the entire content of this blog has already been copied over. The transition should be seamless.

Opinion Fortress is also another blog, it’s not just another blog but it’s another blog where we (mostly) share opinions on issues as the name suggests. You may check the “About” page page to know more. It is going to be even better, more dynamic and more interesting simply because it frees itself off the shackles of free wordpress.com based blogs and embraces all the customizable awesomeness of a WordPress website. It’s gonna continue to evolve, and it’s gonna get better every single time.

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